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Dr. med. vet. Claudia Nett





  • Nett-CS, Reichler-IM, Grest-P, Hauser-B, Reusch-CEEpidermal dysplasia and Malassezia infection in two West Highland White Terrier siblings: an inherited skin disorder or reaction to severe Malassezia infection?Veterinary Dermatology 2001, 12 (5): 285-290 

  • Nett-CS, Reusch-CEMitotane (Lysodren-) Unverträglichkeit - alternative Behandlungsmöglichkeiten des hypophysären Cushing-Syndroms beim Hund anhand eines FallbeispielsKleintierpraxis 2001, 46: 725-732 

  • Ruckstuhl-N., Nett-CS, Reusch-CEResults of clinical examinations, laboratory tests, and ultrasonography in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism treated with trilostane.Am J Vet Res 2002, 63: 506-512 

  • Reusch-CE, Nett-CS, Refsal-KRAutoantikörper gegen Schilddrüsenhormone: ein Fallbericht über einen Hund mit Hypothyreose und erhöhten T4- und T3-Konzentrationen.Kleintierpraxis 2002, 47 (10): 595-602 

  • Nett-CS, Tully-TSkin and feather anatomy, clinical presentation and diagnostic approach to the feather picking pet birdCompendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 2003, 25 (3), 206-219 

  • Nett-CS, Tully-TDoes allergy contribute to feather picking in captive psittacinesCompendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 2003, 25 (5), 348-357 

  • Nett-CS, Hodgin-C, Foil-C, Merchant-S, Tully-TA modified biopsy technique to improve histopathologic evaluation of avian skin.Veterinary Dermatology, 2003, 14 (3), 147-151. 

  • Nett-CS, Hosgood-G, Heatley-JJ, Foil-CS, Tully-TN JrEvaluation of intravenous fluorescein in intradermal allergy testing in PsittacinesVeterinary Dermatology, 2003, 14 (6), 323-332 

  • Nett-CS, Hodgin-EC, Foil-CS, Merchant-SR, Tully-TNA new biopsy technique to improve histopathologic evaluation of avian skin24th annual conference and expo, August 26nd -28th, 2003, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 

  • Nett-CSTopical Triamciniolon and allergic dermatitis - A case studyVirbac Clinical Edge, 2006 

  • Nett-CS, Boesch-DCase Report - Telogen effluvium in a stray cat after neutering surgeryAbstract presented at the North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum, April 16-22, 2007, Kuaui, Hawaii, USA 

  • Reichler-IM, Welle-M, Eckrich-C, Sattler-U, Barth-A, Hubler-M, Nett-CS; Jöchle-W, Arnold-SSpaying-induced coat changes: the role of gonadotropins, GnRH and GnRH treatment on the hair cycle of female dogsVeterinary Dermatology, 2008 

  • Picco-F; Zini, E, Nett-CS, Naegeli-B, Bigler-B, Rufenacht-S, Roosje-M, Richlin Guzwiller-ME, Wilhelm-S, Pfister-J, Meng-E, Favrot-C. A prospective study on canine atopic dermatitis and food-induced allergic dermatitis in Switzerland Veterinary Dermatology, 2008 

  • Linek-M, Lortz-J, Rüfenacht-S, Favrot-C, Nett-CS, Mecklenburg-L. Placebo-controlled multicenter clinical study on the efficacy of oral Cyclosporin A in the treatment of canine sebaceous adenitis, compared to conventional topical treatment Veterinary Dermatology, 2009

  • Nett-CS. Spezielle diagnostische Tests in der Dermatologie Vortrag anlässlich der 17. bpt Intensivfortbildung Kleintierpraxis, März 2009, Kleintiermedizin 5/6-2009

  • Hobi S, Linek M, Marignac G, Olivry T, Beco L, Nett C, Fontaine J, Roosje P, Bergvall K, Belova S, Koebrich S, Pin D, Kovalik M, Meury S, Wilhelm S, Favrot C. Clinical characteristics and causes of pruritus in cats: a multicentre study on feline hypersensitivity-associated dermatoses. Vet Dermatol. 2011 Oct;22(5):406-413.

  • Favrot C, Steffan J, Seewald W, Hobi S, Linek M, Marignac G, Olivry T, Beco L, Nett C, Fontaine J, Roosje P, Bergvall K, Belova S, Koebrich S, Pin D, Kovalik M, Meury S, Wilhelm S. Establishment of diagnostic criteria for feline nonflea-induced hypersensitivity dermatitis. Vet Dermatol. 2011 Sep 7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3164.

  • Koebrich S, Nett CS, Wilhelm S, Favrot C. Intradermal and serological testing for mites in healthy beagle dogs
    Vet Dermatol, 2012, April, 10.1111/j.1365-3164.

  • Claude Favrot, Jean Steffan, Wolfgang Seewald, Stefan Hobi, Monika Linek, Geneviève Marignac, Thierry Olivry, Luc Beco, Claudia Nett, Jacques Fontaine, Petra Roosje, Kerstin Bergvall, Svetlana Belova, Stefanie Koebrich, Didier Pin, Marcel Kovalik, Sabrina Meury, Sylvia Wilhelm. Establishment of diagnostic criteria for feline nonflea-induced hypersensitivity dermatitis.Vet Dermatol. 2012 vol. 23 (1) pp. 45-50.

  • Linek M, Rüfenacht S, Brachelente C, von Tscharner C, Favrot C, Wilhelm S, Nett C, Mueller RS, Mayer U, Welle M. Nonthymoma-associated exfoliative dermatitis in 18 cats. Vet Dermatol. 2015 Feb;26(1):40-e13.

  • Stoll S, Dietlin C, Nett-Mettler CS. Microneedling as a successful treatment for alopecia X in two Pomeranian siblings.
    Vet Dermatol. 2015 Oct;26(5): pp387-390.

  • Timm K, Mueller RS, Nett-Mettler CS. Long-term effects of intralymphatic immunotherapy (ILIT) on canine atopic dermatitis. Vet Dermatol. 2018 Apr;29(2): pp123-149

  • Gysin M, Tschuor F, Schweizer DE, Nett C, Geissbühler U Digitization in Swiss veterinary practices. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd. 2019 May;161(5):307-317

  • Thoms F, Haas S, Erhart A, Nett CS, Rüfenacht S, Graf N, Strods A, Patil G, Leenadevi T, Fontaine MC, Toon LA, Jennings GT, Senti G, Kündig TM, Bachmann MF Immunization of Cats against Fel d 1 Results in Reduced Allergic Symptoms of Owners.Viruses. 2020 Mar 6;12(3):288

  • Bakır A, Nett-Mettler CS, Ulutas B. Therapeutic efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma in four golden retrievers with acute otitis externa. Vet Dermatol. 2024 Aug 14.


  • Veterinary Allergy, Wiley Blackwell, 2014. Editors: Chiara Noli, Aiden Foster, Wayne Rosenkrantz. Chapter 60: Allergies in Birds, 422-427




  • Regelmässige Vortragsträtigkeit an nationalen und internationalen Kongressen in Europa, Amerika und Asien

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